Deze maand zijn de Pasuk tieners op jeugdkamp geweest. Een geweldige ervaring en een welkome afsluiting van een intensief schooljaar van quarantaine en thuisonderwijs. Vier dagen lang kampeerden de jongeren op een ecofarm – even helemaal weg uit de drukte van de stad. De prachtige, stille natuur was de ideale plek voor ontspanning, spelletjes en Bijbelstudies. En natuurlijk gezond en voedzaam eten, dat ze met elkaar mochten bereiden. Bekijk het filmpje waarin drie scholieren hun herinneringen met ons delen en lees onder de video verder over het zomerkamp.
Het thema van het kamp “EndGame” was gekozen om de jongeren bewust te laten nadenken over het grootste doel voor hun leven. Tijdens de dagelijkse Bijbelstudies stond pastor Russel stil bij de kortstondigheid van het leven en riep de Pasuk tieners op zich voor te bereiden op de komende ontmoeting met hun Schepper, door bekering en geloof in het werk van Jezus Christus. De samenkomsten – iedere ochtend om 5 uur en ’s avonds na het avondeten – hebben diepe indruk gemaakt op de tieners, die opgroeien in een dagelijkse omgeving vol verslaving, misbruik en andere vormen van duisternis.
Door diverse spelletjes en opdrachten hebben de Pasuk scholieren leren plannen, samenwerken en strijden. De 40 tieners werden verdeeld in groepen en elk team moest vanaf het busstation zelf hun weg vinden naar de kampeerplek, aan de hand van een schatkaart met diverse raadsels. Op de ecofarm leerden de kinderen met elkaar het eten te bereiden, waarvoor elk team een scharrelkip mocht vangen en die zelf klaarmaken boven een kampvuurtje. Prachtig om hierin de verschillende talenten van de kinderen te zien.
Wilt u bijdragen?
Het tienerkamp was een groot succes en met Gods hulp hopen we dit ieder jaar te herhalen. Ook zijn we voornemens om zo spoedig mogelijk een buitenactiviteit te organiseren voor de basisschoolkinderen. Tenminste, zodra de lokale overheid toestaat dat deze jongste leeftijdscategorie eindelijk het huis mag verlaten. Helaas moeten zij vanwege de geldende coronamaatregelen nog steeds binnen blijven.
Als u een donatie wilt doen voor de bekostiging van dit soort prachtige activiteiten, dan kan dat hieronder. Alvast bedankt!
Goed om te weten: Pasuk Foundation wordt door de Belastingdienst aangemerkt als Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Dit betekent dat uw gift aftrekbaar is voor de aangifte inkomstenbelasting.
NL11 ABNA 0415 2876 26 t.n.v. Pasuk Foundation, o.v.v. “Gift”
Goed om te weten: Pasuk Foundation wordt door de Belastingdienst aangemerkt als Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Dit betekent dat uw gift aftrekbaar is voor de aangifte inkomstenbelasting.
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Pasuk Youth Camp 2021
For starters, camp means getting away from the city and a challenge to live life independently with only limited resources. Last June 30 - July 3 2021, the PASUK YOUTH CAMP was made possible. The origin of the camp’s theme was about having the end in mind. It is a reminder for us that we are approaching the near end and that Jesus will come back sooner or later. We need to remind every other person, especially the youth to do our parts in preparing when that time comes.
There were approximately 40 Pasuk scholars from different age ranges who joined the camp. The said camping was held at Higher Ground Baptist Church in Tubod Toledo, it is a place in the southern part of Cebu. The staff arrived at the camp site the day before the campers arrived and prepared the place. They prepared 2 tents that could hold a big number of people, one tent is for the boys and the other is for the girls. We arrived at Toledo’s port by bus with the company of some of the Pasuk staff. The camp began with the amazing race. The campers were divided into 4 groups and each group was given a map around the place and riddles to solve that would lead them to the campsite. The campers were also instructed to pick out the colored flaglets they see on their way to the campsite.
On the arrival of the campers from all teams, the first thing they noticed was the big points system of each group in the different games.The camp director proceeded with introducing the camp staff and the rules and regulations that are to be followed during the 3 day event. As a form of challenge and discipline, Campers were asked to keep at least 2 outfits and give every other piece of clothing up to the camp staff. It was a hard challenge for the campers since they have to strategize in budgeting their clothes to wear for 3 days. After the ted talk with the camp director, each team was given chores in order to keep the tidiness of the place for the whole duration of the camp. The campers were given the time to take a rest at noon and after their siesta, the first tasks were given. Each team was asked to prepare a banner and yell to represent the teams, a skit according to the bible verse given by the camp staff and to learn the camp’s theme song and dance. Everybody did well on their parts and decided to end the night with the word of the Lord.
The next day, everybody woke up at 4 am to have their morning exercise and each team had their morning devotions that were led by the Pasuk staff. By the next hour the campers then prepared themselves for the day’s activities and then everyone proceeded to having their breakfasts and to the sanctuary for the breakout session that was led by Pastor Filemon from Higher Ground Baptist Church. The lunch on the second day was a challenge because the campers were asked to cook their own food. Each team must pick 2 members to fetch a living chicken and present it to the staff to earn points and an exchange for a raw one, the other members were tasked to pick rocks that were labeled with the names of the other ingredients. Everyone was gathered down at the Lower ground looking for the rocks to present to the staff and in exchange for the real ingredients. Everyone had their lunch, the time to do the chores and the time to take a rest and proceeded to another set of games until dinner. After dinner, the campers had another breakout session with Pastor Russel and then after that everyone prepared for bedtime.
The following day, The same morning routine happened but after the morning breakout session with Pastor Filemon, the campers were given time until noon to prepare something for the talent’s night,after lunch, there was another set of games for the teams to compete on. Since it is the last night, everyone got ready in their safari attire and they all looked stunning. There was another breakout session that was led by Pastor Russel Villafuerte. After listening to the word and taking it to heart, other fun things happened. We had mini games around the sanctuary, every camper showed off their safari attires and presented their wonderful talents. By the end of the program, winners from the different tasks were announced and as well as the group with the most points during the whole camp. We then proceeded to the lower ground for the campfire and everyone danced around it, everyone gathered and talked. It was a really genuine moment to all of us. The next day, we packed our things, went to the beach and continued to have fun there and finally we all went home safely.
Giving big thanks to Pasuk Foundation, for they helped in pursuing the activity, to the staff that organized everything so smoothly that made this camp possible and fruitful and to the Lord for giving us his mercy, holy spirit and His word that will continue to abide in the hearts of these young people.