Safe transportation thanks to new van

The picture actually speaks for itself doesn't it? Happy child faces in blue Pasuk T-shirts fill couches and seats of the Nissan NV350. This silver-gray vehicle with its 18 seats allows us to pick up sponsor children from their slums and transport them safely to the Saturday program. Recently owned by Pasuk, the van truly represents an answer to our prayers, as we desperately needed a solid vehicle. Progress in equipment
We also received not just any van, but one equipped with fresh air conditioning. The air quality in Cebu City is very unhealthy because of smog and exhaust fumes. Because of the air conditioning, the children have the luxury of breathing wonderful clean air during the car ride. A huge improvement! You may be curious to know how we became the grateful owners of this vehicle. We received an extraordinary gift from the estate of Mr. Jan van Vlokhoven. Exactly the amount we needed for the second-hand vehicle, for which we have been praying for quite some time. We are quiet about it. The Lord knows exactly what is needed and always provides at the right time. To Him therefore be all praise, honor, glory and thanksgiving. In the video below, our project director Russel Villafuerte explains why we need this van and you can see how the Pasuk students experience their first ride.

Physical progress

Have you seen the video about the new bus? For the observant viewer, do you see the girl on the front left? That is our Cherry Mae, remember the article about her, she has been seriously ill recently, we feared for her life but - thank God - she was allowed to recover! For her too, progress! Do you see how cheerful she looks and how she has physically recovered? Without financial help, purchasing for medication and healthy food would have been impossible. This makes Pasuk's mission rewarding work. It allows us to make a difference in children's lives. Progress is evident in Cherry Mae's life. Progress in an eternal perspective
True progress is only received when we look upward and come to Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. This is what we hold up to the Pasuk children. Expecting everything from Him and living in dependence. Progress spiritually is, He must become more and we less. Thus we learn to live under the faithful care of the Heavenly Father, who knows exactly what we need and wants to provide for it.

Thanksgiving points
The Lord provided funds for the purchase of the bus
Grateful for Cherry Mae's physical recovery

Prayer points
Protection from the Lord during the bus rides.
That the project may be a blessing to the souls of the children