A meaningful celebration at the beginning of the new year

Sinulog is a cultural and religious festival in Cebu City, Philippines, in honor of the Santo Niño - the image of the Child Jesus. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of January with parades and street dances. For the people of Cebu, Sinulog is of great significance because it celebrates their cultural identity, heritage and belief in the Santo Niño. Many Pasuk children and their parents sincerely believe they are honoring God through this. To provide them with the right information, during the week leading up to Sinulog we organized a better celebration: a special service aimed at teaching the children and their parents how the Lord does want to be worshiped according to the Bible. Continue reading below the video.

At Cebu Bible Church, colored flag lines dance happily in the breeze from fans. Clearly, there is something to celebrate today. Where normally Pasuk children gather for the weekly Saturday program, today the setting is different. The children have brought their parents to celebrate - not just any party, but a celebration with profound meaning. Above the stage is a large banner reading "Kasaulogan sa Kagawasan diha ni Kristo" ("Celebration of Freedom in Christ"). This theme takes center stage today. What could be more beautiful than starting the new year with all attention focused on Jesus Christ? Pastor Russel passionately shares a message from the Bible calling each one to serve God as He wills. Using the ten commandments, the protective precepts for God's people, he shares an appealing message centered around the second commandment:

Exodus 20 verse 4-6: "You shall not make for yourself an image, any image of what is above in heaven, or below in the earth, or in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to it, nor serve it; for I, the LORD your God, am an envious God, who repays the crime of the fathers to the children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but who does mercy to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments."

Real Freedom
Pastor Russel explains to the children and their parents that conversion and faith in Jesus Christ is necessary and that following Jesus gives wonderful freedom and a joyful life even in difficult circumstances. How wonderful it is to no longer serve as a slave to sin, but to live in freedom within the safe framework of the written Word of God. It is important to break with everything that goes against the Word of God, including the sin of idolatry, such as the worship of Santo Niño. In almost every home this image can be found in a central place, worshipped and honored. Despite the clear instructions in the Word of God, many Filipinos believe that these images can help them, even in emergency situations where they desperately keep their images pointed up toward heaven. The message is confronting for our families as it would break with a tradition that has been passionately celebrated within the family for generations. The sermon is followed by the singing of worship songs. The Pasuk team has devised original games to promote friendship and bonding, creating an exuberant and fun atmosphere. The festive program concludes with a shared meal, because a Filipino feast is not complete without food! Struggle
The content of Pastor Russel's sermon has not gone unnoticed. It is being discussed among themselves and resistance and spiritual struggles are being experienced. Our prayer is that hearts are touched and that this joyful feast may contribute to people seeing the beauty of the Lord Jesus, causing them to break with idolatry and turn to Him. Please join us in praying for courage and strength to continue spreading this message. May the Gospel of Jesus Christ change hearts of parents and children so that they convert with radical devotion to the Lord Jesus, Who gave Himself completely for the forgiveness of the sins of everyone who comes to Him.